Our Treatments
Laser Assisted Hatching

Your health is everything to Us

What is Hatching?
Hatching is an integral part of the pregnancy process. Embryos are usually protected by a covering or shell that is known as the ‘zona pellucida,’ the shedding of which is important. The zona goes through a thinning process, which would eventually cause the embryo to ‘hatch.’ If the embryo fails to hatch, then it may be one of the causes for multiple IVF failures.
What is Assisted Hatching?
When the zona pellucida fails to thin and the embryo does not hatch, the shell will have to be drilled into- this is called the assisted hatching process. This procedure is usually done when the embryo is still in the early stages of development- usually on day 3, or in the case of blastocyst culture treatments, on day 5.
Methods of Assisted Hatching
  • Mechanical
  • Chemical (Acid Tyrode)
  • Enzyme (Pronase)
  • Laser
When is LAH (Laser Assisted Hatching) advised?
The LAH procedure is recommended by doctors in the following situations:
  • Advanced maternal age (>37 years old)
  • Patients with elevated Day 3 follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
  • Thick and/or abnormal egg shell
  • Poor quality/slow developing embryos
  • Embryos exhibiting excessive fragmentation
  • Patient with 2 or more previous failed IVF cycles
  • Frozen Thaw Embryo Transfer cycles
When should a LAH (Laser Assisted Hatching) be performed?
This method of treatment is known for the many benefits that it bestows upon couples that undergo it. Because of its many advantages, the method is also a preferred one- chosen over chemical and manual assisted hatching.
  • Nominal handling of the embryo
  • Fast and precise control over drilling of the shell opening
  • It is gentle and safe, with no negative effects on the embryo
  • Poor quality/slow developing embryos
  • Wide availability to patients, and offered under clinical guidance depending on your particular circumstances