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About Hysteroscopy

About IUI

Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic procedure that is performed to examine and identify the issues and complications inside the uterus and cervix. Hysteroscopy is performed using a tool called a hysteroscope, a thin, lighted tube. This will be inserted through a woman’s vagina by the surgical experts to diagnose the problems. This process is usually undergone for both surgical and diagnostic purposes.

The fertility specialists suggest performing hysteroscopy for patients who have a history of multiple unsuccessful IVF attempts to identify the problem and assess if the patient’s uterus is fit for childbearing.

Hysteroscopy in Sudha Fertility Centre

Sudha Fertility Centre is equipped with the best fertility doctors in India, who are determined to help you in your journey towards parenthood. Our fertility experts suggest performing hysteroscopy under the following circumstances.

  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Too much menstrual bleeding
  • Post-menopausal bleeding
  • Recurrent miscarriages
  • Uterine fibroids and polyps
  • Causes of infertility
  • Misplaced IUD
  • Any uterine abnormalities
  • Extreme pelvic pain
IVF in Sudha Fertility Centre

Hysteroscopy is done for both diagnostic and surgical procedures. The diagnostic process is done to identify the structural irregularities in the uterus that may cause abnormal bleeding. It may also be used to confirm other test results such as ultrasound or hysterosalpingography (HSG). HSG is done to check whether the fallopian tubes are blocked.

Operative hysteroscopy is done by the best surgeons of Sudha Fertility Centre to treat abnormality diagnosed during diagnostic hysteroscopy. Operative hysteroscopy is not advised to be performed on pregnant women, and when there is an inflammation of the cervix or pelvis. Patients who are allergic to nickel or radioactive contrast dye are also not encouraged to undergo this procedure. It is also not to be performed on those suffering from uterine cancer.

Why choose us for Hysteroscopy?

Uncover the hope for a healthier generation with Hysteroscopy.

About IUI

As the best fertility centre in India, Sudha Fertility Centre has performed more than thousands of successful hysteroscopies with the best fertility doctors in India. Hysteroscopy has helped thousands of couples to identify the root cause of infertility and help them achieve their dream of parenthood in reality. Unlike other, more invasive gynecological procedures, hysteroscopy offers a quick recovery time, minimal discomfort, and a detailed view of the uterine cavity, allowing our specialists to diagnose and address issues with precision and care. Every step we take is dedicated to helping you on your journey to parenthood.



Advanced hysteroscopy technology suite.

High-resolution imaging equipment

Dedicated rooms for pre- and post-procedure resting.

Fully-equipped operating rooms.

Hygienic environment.

Experienced gynaecologists and fertility specialists in India.

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