
Female Infertility Treatments

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Female Infertility Treatments

Problems In Menstruation

Menstrual problems can lead to infertility issues in women. The pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, controls ovulation by releasing hormones called gonadotropins: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). When this gland sends out irregular signals, it can lead to ovulation issues, resulting in missed or irregular periods.

Problems With Ovulation

Difficulties with ovulation are commonly referred to as ovulatory disease. This is the main factor that causes female infertility, with more than 25% of infertile couples affected by it. When a woman experiences ovulation issues, she may ovulate irregularly or never. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most frequent cause of ovulation dysfunction (PCOS). Ovulation is important for pregnancy as the ovary releases the eggs during the ovulation period.

Uterine Fibroids & Polyps

The uterine fibroids and polyps can stop the process of embryo implantation. Once the egg is fertilized by the sperm, it develops into an embryo. The embryo then sticks to the uterine wall and the endometrial lining produces the required nutrients and blood for the embryo to grow. In case a woman is diagnosed with fibroids or polyps, it can prevent the embryo from sticking to the uterine wall, which results in pregnancy loss and female infertility.

Uterine Scarring Or Asherman Syndrome

Uterine Scarring is a very rare disorder which is also known as Asherman’s Syndrome. This problem is known to affect women who have had multiple dilations and curettage procedures (D&C). Asherman’s syndrome or Uterine Scarring can lead to complications that increase your chance of pregnancy-related problems such as placenta previa, stillbirths, and miscarriages.


Endometriosis can affect the regular functioning of reproductive organs, leading to infertility. The risk factors that can lead to endometriosis are family history, a late first pregnancy, an abnormal uterus, menstruation lasting for a longer time, retrograde menstrual flow, and a weakened immune system. Complications from endometriosis may impair a woman’s fertility and capability of becoming pregnant.


Female patients who have been diagnosed with PCOD/PCOS will find that it may be very hard for them to conceive. To counter this hindrance, they must begin by regularly examining their health to prevent any health issues in the future. Patients with PCOS are likely to develop type 2 diabetes in the future, and those with PCOD are likely to be diagnosed with hypertension, hyperglycemia, endometrial cancer, and pregnancy complications.


Treatment for those affected by cancer is important, but it drastically affects the fertility of those who go through it. Cancer therapy would permanently cause damage to long-term health and hormone-regulating glands. This is possible even if the chemotherapy rays are not targeted at the ovaries.

Primary Ovary Insufficiency (POI)

This is a condition where a female patient’s ovaries are not able to produce healthy eggs that are required for fertilization. POI drastically affects women’s ability to become pregnant. It is very rare for women to become pregnant while experiencing a decrease in ovarian reserves.

Blocked Fallopian Tubes

This is another major reason why female patients may not be capable of becoming pregnant. Studies have revealed that more than 30% of infertile women have been diagnosed because they have blocked or damaged fallopian tubes. This condition is also known as tubal disease, tubal infertility, and tubal occlusion.

Implantation Failure:

Implantation failure occurs when, after several IVF attempts and transferring multiple healthy embryos, implantation doesn’t succeed. This can be due to either poor embryo quality or an unreceptive endometrium, which prevents successful attachment. Identifying the cause is crucial to improving the chances of future IVF cycles.

Past Ectopic Pregnancies

If the female patient has already suffered an ectopic pregnancy once before, the chances of her experiencing one another time are very high. The patient must be aware of the symptoms. When a woman suffers an ectopic pregnancy, her ability to become pregnant is likely tied to the condition of her fallopian tubes.


If an infection or illness is left untreated, it can harm a woman’s reproductive organs and reduce her ability to conceive. Some of the infections that can lead to infertility in women are Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Infection, Human Papillomavirus Infection, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), Pelvic Tuberculosis, and Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Autoimmune Disorders

If you've struggled to conceive for a long time, autoimmune disorders could be a factor. These disorders can interfere with the body’s ability to support embryo implantation. Conditions to consider include anti-sperm antibodies, thyroid issues, low ovarian reserve, Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APLAS), rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.

Failure Of An Egg To Mature Properly

While pregnancy may seem like a straightforward experience to many, it is not so. The entire process involves a lot of challenges, some of which may result in primary or secondary infertility. The failure of an egg to mature properly may have to do with PCOS, obesity, or a lack of particular proteins that the egg requires to mature, among many other reasons.

Stress And Infertility In Women

If the female patient has already suffered an ectopic pregnancy once before, the chances of her experiencing one another time are very high. As such, the patient must be aware of the symptoms. When a woman suffers an ectopic pregnancy, her ability to become pregnant is likely tied to the condition of her fallopian tubes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the factors that affect female infertility?

What are the common causes of female infertility?

Can female infertility be treated?

Does PCOS/PCOD affect female infertility?

Do hormonal imbalances cause female infertility?

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