Our Treatments

Your Parenthood Dream Is Our Priority

What Is IVF?
IVF or In Vitro Fertilisation is the most well-known course of infertility treatment for patients across the globe. The process of IVF is basically the fusing of the egg and sperm in a controlled environment (usually a petri dish.) Following the successful creation of the zygote, it is implanted into the mother’s womb, facilitating the beginning of the gestational period. IVF is commonly used to treat cases of infertility that are brought upon the patient due to causes such as damaged fallopian tubes, endometriosis, male factor infertility and cervical factor infertility.
Process of IVF Treatment
Depending on the patient’s response to treatments, the IVF treatment procedures may take anywhere between 4-6 weeks to be considered successful and complete. Our protocol-based procedures and evidence-based results make us the best choice for you.
On the day of egg retrieval, the male partner’s sperms are harvested and kept in a controlled environment where it will be fused with the eggs to form embryos. The procedure is overseen by professionals until multiple embryos are created.
Guidance Counselling
We understand that IVF treatments can be taxing for every couple that undergoes it. Keeping this in mind, we offer guidance and counselling for all our patients and ease your concerns about the entire ordeal.
Embryo transfer
The embryos are evaluated to assess quality and the best ones are transferred between 2-5 days after retrieval. At this time, the blastocyst transfer treatment is advised, as it would be done when the embryo is 5 days old, thereby making the chances of a positive pregnancy high.
Ovarian stimulation
At the start of the procedure, the female patient is administered IVF injections to increase production of eggs. These are given on early on in the days of her menstrual cycle and go on for an approximate time period of 12 days. At this time, ultrasound and other means are used to monitor her progress.
Egg retrieval
Once the eggs are big enough, the HCG/GnRH injections are administered for the retrieval of eggs. Retrieval is done with the help of general anaesthesia within 34-36 hours of the injection and is usually done within a matter of hours.
Pregnancy test
Two weeks after the successful embryo transfer, a beta HCG injection is administered to test for pregnancy. Following this, the patient will be required to attend regular checkups to monitor progress throughout the gestational period.
The entire procedure may seem daunting at first, which is why the doctors at Sudha Fertility Centre make it a point to answer all of your queries and give you the full rundown on how treatments would go. We aim to give patients the best experience possible and keeping them informed is a major step in that endeavour.
Why Choose Sudha Fertility Centre for IVF Treatment?
  • We employ the best doctors and support staff who would provide you with top-class treatment and services.
  • In almost four decades, we have treated lakhs of infertile patients and helped them realise their dreams of starting a family.
  • Tens of thousands of IVF procedures are carried out every year.
  • We serve with the aim of making fertility treatment affordable and accessible
  • With our state-of-the-art labs and highly-trained personnel, you are one step closer to holding your baby. Book a consultation today to begin!